
Emergency Contacts

Management Office 813-281-1110
Building Security 813-927-0072
Emergency Management  813-272-6900 (Hillsborough County)
  727-464-3800 (Pinellas County)
American Red Cross 813-251-0921 (Hillsborough County)
Shelter Information 727-898-3111 (Pinellas County)
Fire Department 911
Medical 911
Police 911


How to call 911

Dial 911; state the nature of the emergency- Fire (i.e.)
The fire alarm dispatcher will need to know the following information:

Your Name & Number:  
Building Name & address: Waterford Plaza 7650 Courtney Campbell Causeway
Type of Occupancy: Multi-tenant office building
What is the nearest cross street: Rocky Point Drive; building left of 60
What part of the building is on fire: Roof, suite, floor, etc.